What are the Two Week Intensives?
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you sat down and concentrated on one specific aspect of your playing? Dedicating two weeks to one thing? Improving your sound quality,…
the tonebase End of the Year Concert!
Click here to apply for a performance slot. Join us for the tonebase End-of-Year Concert, an extraordinary celebration of the talent, passion, and artistry that defines our community.…
Sign up: Faster Fingers on the Clarinet in Two Weeks
Click the link to sign up: Sign up here! Our next two-week intensive on tonebase clarinet, starting December 2, is designed to help you unlock greater speed, precision,…
Sign up! Learn to glissando in two weeks!
FOLLOW THE LINK TO SIGN-UP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSex9H1wqhuvxsr7DfolyrMUv5tnf0m21aBcedGa4OktTPTbhg/viewform?usp=sf_link Unlock the expressive power of your clarinet in this…
SIGN UP! Improve your Intonation in Two Weeks!
FOLLOW THE LINK TO SIGN UP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczHZ1a2t0I9_UBJ2JSq-T6PWLV7N2jhMITooZJavcUMraujg/viewform?usp=sf_link Join Heather Roche for a two-week intensive class designed…
SIGN UP! Improve your Scales: Level up your scale routine in two weeks!
FOLLOW THE LINK TO SIGN UP: https://forms.gle/g8uCbMVMpZrnqJ2V8 Join Heather Roche for a two-week intensive class designed to give you structured guidance on improving your scale practice.…