Welcome to the tonebase Clarinet Community!

Hey everyone - this is Martin from tonebase!

As the Head of Live and Community here on tonebase, it's such a pleasure to welcome you to the tonebase community. We would love to get to know you! Please introduce yourself in a post below with the following format:

  • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;)
  • What are you currently working on?
  • What are you hoping to get out of this community?

I’ll go first:

  • I was born and raised in Munich, Germany! As you’d expect, Bavarian cuisine is heavy and includes many meat and Knödel dishes, as well as crops such as beets and potatoes! While this food makes me think back to my childhood, I prefer much more food from my current hometown Düsseldorf, where we have the biggest Japanese community outside of Japan. So Düsseldorf has no shortage of great Ramen shops, Sushi places, and even Teppanyaki grill houses!
  • When it comes to clarinet, I am clueless! I have studied classical guitar and sound engineering. Currently, I am in the process of recording a new album with my guitar duo, "TwoFourTwelve". Although my father is a passionate clarinet player, he recently bought my niece a clarinet. I am excited to see her grow as a person with music by her side!
  • I am hoping to getting to know and helping all of you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Let's have some fun and get to work.

27 replies

    • Head of Clarinet
    • Heather
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hi everyone! I'm Heather, I'm the Head of Clarinet here at tonebase! 

    I'm so excited to welcome you into our community and I can't wait to get to know you and your playing!

    To answer Martin's questions:

    • I live in London now, but I'm originally from Victoria, on the west coast of Canada (when you hear me speak you might notice that my accent has become a mix of the two places!) - living on the coast we eat a lot of seafood, but my favorite thing to eat - which seems quite Canadian to me - is fluffy pancakes, slathered in maple syrup and peanut butter. Definitely something to have a good brush of the teeth after before playing clarinet! :)
    • I am currently working on the clarinet parts - I am playing bass and Eb clarinet - for a new opera that the chamber orchestra I play with is premiering in a few weeks. It's about the life of the poet Rumi, a 13th century Persian mystic who wrote wonderful things that are so helpful to us as musicians, for example, he said, "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do". Isn't that beautiful?
    • I'm just so excited to have you join in our community and can't wait to see how you progress through tonebase. Welcome, and let's get going! 
    • Gabrielle_Tymkow
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hello, I am Gabby currently living in Plymouth UK.

    I live by the sea, so the fish and chips are pretty good around here!


    I am working on a few pieces from the ABRSM grade 8 repertoire as I am considering taking the exam next year. I am also working on improving my technique - trying to get faster and more accurate fingers, and a consistent tone across the whole instrument. I also know I need to work on phrasing and taking care of all the details as I am playing each piece.


    I am hoping to get some ideas to help with my daily practice and for tips for specific pieces. It would also be great to see what other people are up to!

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hi Gabby! It's so great to have you here! I can think of a few of the courses that might help you with some of the issues you're talking about - if you want any guidance once you've looked through all the videos on fundamentals, let me know - also if you want to work on fast fingers, I'm going to do a two-week intensive on up-levelling your scale practice which might be helpful; that will start September 1!

    • Nancy_Skolos
    • 1 mth ago
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    I'm Nancy,


    I live in Providence, Rhode Island and there is a lot of good food here. It would be impossible to pick a favorite although my default is pizza.


    I am a designer and teacher and amateur clarinetist. I recently finished six years of lessons with an amazing clarinetist who taught me a lot about sound production—embouchure, air, tonging, etc. but we didn’t focus on technique at all. He thought I “knew my way around the clarinet okay.” But I don’t.


    I’ve been thinking of starting lessons again so was excited to see this online option. I’m pretty self-motivated so it may be a good fit.


    I'm currently working on my orchestra music for Fall--Sibelius Symphony no. 2, second clarinet part.


    Looking forward to better playing!

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hi Nancy! It's great to meet you, welcome to tonebase!! I'm going to be doing a two-week intensive on up-levelling your scale routine starting on September 1, so I hope you'll join us for that (the sign up is already in the forums if you want to sign up early!). That might be just the thing to kick off working more on your technique.

      I'm also doing a live stream on left hand dexterity in a few weeks which may be of interest AND there's a beautiful course from Kilian Herold on 'the beauty of scales' which you might find inspiring! At the risk of throwing too much stuff at you right away I'll stop now, but really -- you're very welcome here!

    • Andy_Miles
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hi, I'm Andy, I live near Bristol UK.

    I love a good Sunday roast, chicken, roast potatoes, lots of stuffing and I even like sprouts :-)

    My main instruments have been piano and saxophone (I have Trinity grade 8 in both) but have always loved the sound of the clarinet also, so recently started playing clarinet and navigating the specific challenges and differences from the saxophone (most notably, the squeaking when not closing the key holes fully).

    Looking to dive into the courses on the fundamentals (breathing, embouchure etc.) and the scales intensive looks good if my early level on clarinet is suitable to participate ;-)

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hi Andy, you've made me so hungry with this, now I'd love a roast dinner...

      Clarinet can be a tricky transition if you started on saxophone (oh that gives me a good idea for a future live stream!), as you say, learning to cover the holes accurately just takes some time.

      But I actually think this intensive on scales might be just the right thing for you because it's not about speed or playing really complicated scales but working on developing an organic connection to the clarinet! 


      Anyway, welcome to tonebase! 

      • Andy_Miles
      • 1 mth ago
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       Great, thanks Heather - I've signed up to the intensive and I am looking forward to it.

    • Valina_Eckley
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hello.  My name is Valina and I’m now living in Salt Lake City. 

    I inherited my grandmother’s sweet tooth so I do love fine chocolate and desserts, despite objections from my waistline.  But lately I’ve been tempering it with fresh fruits.  

    I returned to the clarinet last year after nearly 20 years, when I moved over to baritone & euphonium my second year of college.  I made the switch because I was in marching band and the director of bands was an incredible euphonium player.  I unfortunately didn’t get a degree in music because I had no confidence in my ability.

     Fast forward to today, music has come to be central to my life again. I am playing clarinet in an incredible community concert band, occasionally play with the jazz band on my vintage saxophone, and I’m playing baritone in a women’s, trans, non binary rogue street band.  I attend regularly the Utah Symphony and have fallen in love with classical music all over again. 

    I finished the Rubank elementary method book to review the fundamentals of playing and I’m currently working on the Rondo of Weber’s Clarinet Concerto in F with a private instructor (albeit at tempo-de-learno)


    I’m looking forward to being a part of this community to help grow my skills as a musician and to learn from experienced musicians I’d otherwise not have access to.   

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hi Valina! So nice to have you in our community, what an amazing story - it sounds like you are super active with your clarinet playing, I'm so happy to read that you've fallen back in love with classical music!

      It's not the same piece of course, but we've got a fantastic course with the wonderful Sharon Kam on Weber's Concertino coming at the end of this week, which you might find really helpful as she gives lots of general advice on how to play Weber's music. Keep an eye out for that. And come to think of it, there's already a nice course from Kilian Herold on how to play the excerpt from Weber's Freischütz overture which might also give you some ideas. There's going to end up being a LOT of Weber on tonebase clarinet :) 

      • Valina_Eckley
      • 1 mth ago
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       that makes me really excited! Weber is so much fun to play.  

    • Susan_Fredenburg
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hello! I am Susan. I live in Arlington, Virginia. My current favorite food is Salmon.


    I graduated from a liberal arts college many, many years ago with a major in Music Education. I have never taught music. I work in a law firm as a Legal Administrative Assistant. I currently play principal second clarinet in a very challenging community concert band. I also play principal clarinet in a mediocre community orchestra.


    There are many things I would like to work on; fast tonguing, breathe support, expressive playing to name a few.

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hi Susan, welcome to the community! Don't hesitate to reach out if you want some tips on courses -- Stephanie Zelnick's course on breathing might be a good place to start though, it's wonderful :) So great to have you here!

    • Josh
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hello! My name is Josh Goo, and I am a professional clarinetist performing in a new music group called Nebula Ensemble, and teaching at Colorado State University - Pueblo.

    As the creator of QuickStart Clarinet, I am always excited to see what is going on in the online clarinet teaching space, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to learn from so many truly legendary teachers and players here!

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hi Josh! It's so great to have you here - watching all of the productions definitely levelled up my teaching as well as my playing so I hope you find the courses useful :) 

      • Valina_Eckley
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hello, I'm actually on your email list and see you pop up on Instagram every now and then :)    I need to find the time to take some of your courses as well :)

      • Josh
      • 1 mth ago
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       Awesome! Wouldn't it be great if we just had unlimited time to learn and practice clarinet!

    • Luke
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hi all,


    I live in New Orleans and I have to say all the food is pretty great - but I would perhaps choose a well-made gumbo as my favorite.


    I lead a jazz band in town so I am always working in learning new tunes and taking ideas from my favorite clarinetists and figuring out my own way to play them.


    I have noticed in my own playing lately a certain sloppiness to the execution of my ideas so I'd like to get some resources and practice plans to improve my technical and rhythmic abilities. Finger dexterity, familiarity with all scales and keys, etc. I'm looking forward to the upcoming two-week scale intensive and would appreciate any other suggestions in this regard!

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hi Luke! Welcome to tonebase clarinet, it's great to have you here.

      Kilian Herold's Beauty of Scales might be a good one to check out. I'm also doing a Livestream (which you can either watch live or it'll stay online after) on Tuesday about left hand dexterity using some specific exercises which you'll be able to follow along with. And we've got a course coming soon on rhythmic fluency which I think you'll really enjoy! I hope that helps :) 

    • Susan_Morgan
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hi! I live in Arizona and my favorite food is Mexican.

    I'm currently working on the new concert season for the local concert band and community orchestra. They're fun but they do stretch my ability.

    I hope to get faster, more accurate fingering, improve my tone, and overall improve my playing.

    Hi Josh! I've been working with Josh who is an incredible instructor. Between Josh and Tonebase I hope to continue my musical growth.

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       Hi Susan! It's wonderful to have you here at tonebase, I hope you enjoy the courses and make use of our growing community!! Do let me know if I can ever be of assistance :) 

    • Katherine_Carleton
    • 1 mth ago
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    I am Katherine, and I live in Peterborough, a smallish city in Ontario, Canada. I work in arts management, and - while I started playing clarinet some EEK! 50 years ago, there was a 25 year gap in there somehow. (It was the not-unusual story of graduating with a clarinet performance degree and having neither the skills nor the imagination to know what to do next. So the clarinets were consigned to a closet while I built my career.) I’ve been back at it for 12 years now, and right now I’m working to correct a persistent biting problem by transitioning to a double lip embouchure - maybe permanently, maybe just as a tool I can use to self-diagnose and correct my biting tendencies in future. Because of this, I’m a little limited by way of repertoire: as I build strength in my upper lip and corners I’m back to Klosé mechanisms, and studies by Kristen Denny-Chambers, James Rae, and Jacques Lancelot. I’m also a keen bass clarinet player, and will be playing more bass this fall in the groups I usually play clarinet with, as my embouchure settles. (This isn’t a hardship. I love playing bass when composers know what we can do!)  

    Food? I like it! As a vegetarian, I find that anything with spicy peanut sauce is immediately twice as delicious. That’s not exactly indigenous to this area, but with a lot of local vegetables at their peak right now, I hope it counts. 

    What I’m hoping to get by joining in here? Basically, a community of support and inspiration at a time when I am more musically isolated than usual. This embouchure change is a PAIN, but necessary: and some kind of connection with other striving clarinetists (plus of course the resources on this site) will help, I know!

      • Head of Clarinet
      • Heather
      • 1 mth ago
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       as a fellow Canadian with a deep love of peanut sauces, I welcome you to the clarinet community here on tonebase!


      Have you watched Kim Leuvano's embouchure course yet? That might be a really good one for you - she talks a lot about the different causes of biting and does discuss double lip a bit too - and there are plenty of amazing clarinetists who've used that technique full time so you'd be in great company if you stick with it! (The endurance issue is a real one though, for sure...)

      • Katherine_Carleton
      • 1 mth ago
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       I'll watch - and thank you for the tip! 

    • Donald_Lurye
    • 12 days ago
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    I'm Donald, a retired physician and large group practice CEO living in the western suburbs of Chicago. I am currently bass and utility clarinetist for www.dupagesymphony.org. I'm looking to meet fellow clarinet travelers and achieve faster articulation, a more even technique and an altissimo register that is better in tune. The Chicago area is home to numerous cuisines, both local and imported. My area is blessed with many Asian restaurants from various countries, so I'm partial to that. I'll admit I sneak in the occasional Chicago deep dish pizza, though I continue to favor the pizza style of my native New York. Check out my YouTube channel, Dr. Don And His Clarinets! I look forward to learning a lot here.

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