Learn to Glissando in Two Weeks! (Week One)
Hello everyone!
We are starting this week's TWI with a video all about bending pitches on the clarinet - this a crucial first step for learning to glissando and will help you a lot with control!
Do watch the video, but I just want to stress how much it will help you in this exercise to play with a big, full, loud sound: glissandi need lots of air to work best.
Your assignment for this week is to post a video of your bends - especially if you're having trouble with them. The more you can show me, the better I can help you with them! Do post any questions you have!
Can't wait to hear your progress!!
26 replies
Not sure what happened; I thought I'd posted my Rhapsody in Blue video, but now I don't see it. So at the risk of repeating myself, here it is again.